Tuesday, March 04, 2025

The Monotheistic God – the street view


The concept of God in the various scriptures also seems to be influenced by the aspirations of their followers except in Qur’an whose original revealed text has been preserved. The comparison, which is a personal opinion based on observation of attitudes and expressions of the adherents is as follows:

The Jews seem to think of God (Yahweh) as a desert wandering shrewd businessman who made many deals with individuals whom he thought could build Empires for him and controlled his subjects by making them oppress each other and by causing disasters. The European money changers turned Israelites believe that by including forgeries in Torah they have obtained lien of all the world’s riches and rendered God worthless and useless so that they are free to commit any injustice or crime. Interestingly enough Verse 19:3 of Exodus clearly differentiates between The House of Jacob and the Children of Israel ho migrated from Egypt. (Model of Colonialism)

Gods address to the congregation of Moses seems to be the only divine instruction to the faithful in the Torah. Although in Torah many Biblical characters are said to have met God in person (probably in the presence of the narrators), there is no description of God anywhere in any of the books.

The six-pointed hollow Star of Devid is the symbol of Judaism, but on close examination it turns out to be two triangles tangled together in different ways by different artists.

The popular Christian concept of God is of a Playboy in the Penthouse of heaven who briefly visited the earth to immaculately impregnate Virgin Mary and then left his loved woman and innocent son at the mercy of the Romans. Desperate sinners are still clinging to the replica of Jesus nailed to a cross , hoping that on the day of judgment he will regain freedom and conquer God’s throne and send all his followers ( faithful or pretenders) to paradise for nothing.  (Model of Capitalism)

According to the book of Luke (a Turkish contemporary of Jesus who apparently witnessed or has a vision of the event) in New Testament, Jesus was sired by the Arch Angel on behalf of God and ordained to be called Son of God through Mary, a married woman who was still a virgin. Hence, the concept of Trinity and the catchy slogan of Father Son and Holy Ghost, as well as reverence for Virgin Mary. The Sermon on the mount appears to be the only divinely inspired text in the New Testament.

Christianity is symbolized by the Cross which looks like a plus sign with a downward extended column, and denotes the sentiment associated with the crucifixion of Jesus son of Mary by the Romans.

Allah is the Muslims' preferred name for God. After centuries of bickering on its semantics, Muslim scholars decided that the word Allah is a proper noun, rather than a derivative of the word elah which means master, object of worship, sustainer etc., and collectively represents all the 99 attributes, qualities or properties mentioned in the Holy Qur’an. Allah’s act of creation includes the imparting of properties to basic neutral matter that define the existence of an element or object – living or nonliving. The Quan is supposed to contain a complete code of civilized life. Unfortunately, many Muslim communities have transgressed from the idealistic to materialistic philosophies borrowed from other local religions and started worshipping all sorts of objects from the stone of the Kaaba to the graves of assumed saints.

The Crescent was used by the Ottoman Caliphs to symbolize Islam. It may represent the lunar calendar used for Muslim religious observances which rotate over the seasons due to the difference in length of solar and lunar years. The crescent with or without the star also denotes love and hope.


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