The extremist Jewish regime of
The above story of fabulous bravery and efficiency of the Hezbollah soldiers seems very unlikely. It would be very difficult for the Hezbollah part-timers to penetrate the state of the art defenses of Israel armed to the teeth by the world’s only super power.
On the other hand, it would be very easy for an Israeli commander to send a platoon on a mission in which they would be certain to be killed or captured, providing an excuse for a premeditated carnage.
I say premeditated because a clear-cut pattern is emerging. In December of 2000, the large scale Israeli military onslaught on the Palestinians coincided with a terrorist attack on the Indian parliament in which a bunch of drunken men kept running and shooting in wrong directions until they all got killed; thus creating an international media and diplomatic diversion. In July of 2006, the Israeli attack on Lebanon coincided with a tragic terrorist attack in Bombay in which hundreds of innocent civilians lost their lives and limbs; again diverting world attention from the main event in the Middle East. The Indian leaders are busy spitting venom against
I sincerely hope that the world will wake up to the unsavory realities before it is too late.