Military and religious forces have played very significant roles in the formation of history and shaping the political geography of the earth.
The military is based on the instinct of freedom and religion on the instinct of faith which are quite diverse but individually admirable. However, both have had in places much less admired consequences and have some common characteristics.
Points of similarity between military and religious establishments are:
1. Both have an autocratic top boss.
2. Both have well defined hierarchies.
3. Both have strict dicipline.
4. Both have special education and training.
5. Both have distinctive attire or uniforms.
6. Both demand absolute loyalty from rank and file.
7. Both work in the name of a supreme authority to whom people do not have direct access.
8. Both contribute naught their country's GNP.
9. Both exploit fear of the unknown, the enemy across the border or life after death.
10. Both are quite prosperous.