Sunday, October 27, 2013

Paradise Found

Scientists had surmised that the Earth and the Moon had condensed from hot gases that had spilled off the Sun, but recent discoveries haves shown that the compositions of the Earth and the Moon differ from the Sun suggesting that the two were formed at some remote spot in space and launched in orbit around the Sun.  It is possible that the Earth was targeted to be inclined at a quarter of a right angle to its orbital plane, but actually it turned out to be 23.4 degrees i.e. one degree more, or that the year was meant to be exactly 360 days and not 365 and a quarter as it actually is or that the lunar cycle was meant to be exactly thirty days but it strayed a little to twenty nine and a half or so. A 30 day lunar month and a 360 day year would seemingly have been a perfect combination; the phase of the moon would indicate the date and the 12 constellations would show the month and if we looked keenly enough in the sky we might find a way to count the years as well. But since we cannot change it we have no choice but to accept it as God’s wisdom. However, we can change the course of rivers, harness the winds, seed clouds for rain and defy gravity by flying machines to our advantage as God has given us authority over the material universe – and we must advise and help others in finding the right way of life. Similarly, disease, natural disasters and evils exist not because those were intended by God but as a consequence of the imperfections of the creations; and God has set in motion a process of evolution and guidance of human beings for the rectification of these defects and for improvement in the quality of His creations. Adam failed the first test he was put to and Satan rebelled on the first command he did not like. The merciful God surely would not have built maladies, perversions and disasters into His perfect plan of creation.
Even more important is the fact that all the tangible knowledge of Physics, chemistry, biology, electronics, mechanics and much of mathematics that is or will ever be written in books is already at work in the human body and in the environment around us. Birds can fly because they are aerodynamically designed by God and they are born with the knowledge of aerodynamics so that they may glide or propel themselves in air and take off and land safely. Man is not discovering Science, but only learning to express what is already inherent in him, and so is woman. The rest is speculation.
God has repeatedly indicated that one day He will destroy this imperfect world and create a new perfect world (Paradise) where only noble souls will reside. It will perhaps be a world free of diseases, parasites, germs, bacteria, viruses of predator animals; the lunar cycle would be exactly 30 days and the year exactly 360 days; there will be no earthquakes, floods, tsunamis or tornados.    
In the building of the new world, obviously the knowledge and techniques developed by human beings over centuries would also be utilized. Some examples are the technique of placing satellites in exact orbits, disease free high-yield crops etc. and technologies yet to be developed such as the control of volcanic activity. And before the doomsday arrives, there may be the next evolution of human beings who may have two hearts and two pancreases with a much improved central nervous system.