Sunday, June 26, 2022

Last Words


1. The basic premise of democracy is that you can inherit property, money and relationships, but you cannot inherit power, authority, fame or respect; you have to earn them.

2. A corporation cannot  succeed unless it has: 1) a mechanism to check unnecessary, wasteful and skimoff expenditures  and 2) a system of quality control for its products and services controlled and monitored by the highest authority.

3. A society cannot  prosper unless  every member is confident that he or she is pursuing a meaningful objective.

4. No religion asks its followers to conquer land or enslave people.

5. Faith spreads by demonstration of virtue: state expands by exercise of brute force.

6. Sense of racial uniqueness  and religious superiority are the biggest enemies of civilization; actions of Christian Nazis, Jewish Zionists, Muslim Taleban, Hindu RSS and Myanmar Budhists prove it.

7. A dynamically organised system needs an ultimate controlling authority to survive. The imagined ultimate authority of the entire perceptible universe is called God or Allah.

8. Equilibrium does not necessarily mean equality. It may be caused by leverage.

9. Relative circular motion causes counter gravitation and binary equilibrium is reached when gravitation and countergravitation balance out.

10. Logic can only be exercised with a binary base such as 0-1, good-bad, virtuous-evil, legal-illegal etc.

11. When a country is ruled by people who belong to it, there is good government. When it is ruled by people who think the country belongs to them, there is bad government.

12. Facial makeup is said to enhance beauty of women, but it conceals the blush and other subtle facial expressions that make beauty dynamic.

13. Where did space come from, where does time go?

14. Did everything come into existence with all their properties in a flash, or was there originally just raw matter, parts of which gradually acquired specific properties? Is there a bank of all possible properties on which existence can draw what is needed?

15. Many of western world's  problems result from arbitrary and unjust curtailment  of parents' and husbands' rights by a handful of thoughtless legislators.

16. We admire fiction and poetry that reminds of our own experiences or fantasies.

17. Why should I waste my time studying follies of stupid politicians or kings?

18. Religion has become the art of controlling people by exploiting their sense of guilt.

19. Capitalism idealizes personal grandeur, selective respect for rights and  brutal conquest.

20. Socialism promotes common prosperity, universal rights and peaceful coexistence.

21  Communism strives for collective growth with vindictiveness and disregard of rights.

22. For many, God is the ultimate fantasy.

23. Democracy is a sociopolitical system in which those in power or authority think and behave like common people.

24. To my mind, thinking men and women from the beginning of civilization have been looking for:
1. An unimpeachable authority and
2. A set of irrevocable laws.
Earliest answers were God and religion. Latest are supreme courts and constitutions.

25. For a sufi God is the Mind of the universe.

26. Heaven is Anywhere beyond the horizon.

27. Angels and jinn are Intelligent holograms

28. Quran is a Divine encripted document supposed to be memorized completely by Arabic speaking person, so that in a decade or two his or her mind would cross index tbe scattered text allowing him or her to answer questions according to divine intent.

29. Hindutwa is Indian equivalent of German Nazism.

30. WW3 is the plan of American domination of Asia similar to Western Europe, after Indian invasion of neighbors and American intervention, deterred by Pakistani nuclear arsenal.