Monday, May 30, 2016

Redefinitions -2

Life: Ability to feel and respond or the possession of at least one sense and some sort of an autonomic nervous and motor system.

Humanity: Ability to respond to sensory inputs with meaningful speech or writing or art.

Faith: Ability to integrate an idea into one's life.

Love: Ability to perceive another's feeling.

Wisdom: Ability to extract ideas from life.


Friday, May 27, 2016

Panama TORs

The joint parliamentary committee for investigating foul play by Pakistanis disclosed by the Panama papers has started its deliberations. There are already a number of draft TORs for the proposed judicial commission on the table, prepared by apparently the best brains in the country. However, I have a few humble submissions for the consideration of the committee:

        1.  The order of investigation should from the most significant person to the least significant.

        2. The commission should indict and punish those whose crimes are obvious and examine if other concerned persons are likely to have been involved in fraud, perjury, money laundering, tax evasion, misrepresentation etc. and accordingly instruct the relevant offices such as NAB, Election Commission, FIA etc. to take necessary action which should be monitored and completed in a short time.

      3. If the investigations indicate a deceased person to having been guilty of financial crime or misdemeanor, then his or her heirs should be asked to reimburse any such funds or relinquish inherited property, local or foreign, acquired by the deceased in unlawful manner or in defiance of national interest.


Thursday, May 19, 2016


God: God is not a person or thing. God is a system. There are political, social, economic, communication and mechanical systems and there are people dedicated to their preservation and functioning. God is the father and mother of all systems; a super-system or network that motivates the genome and facilitates and controls the growth of a seed into a tree or an embryo into a man or animal.

Worship: Proof of compliance with the super-system.

Prayer: A humble appeal to the super-system.

Sin: Deed of personal vice that cannot be controlled by law or cured by medicine. 
