The Dec, 2008-Jan, 2009 Israeli onslaught on the Palestinian population in Gaza was perhaps the most brutal and inhuman military action in recent history which attracted disgust even from conscientious Jews in many parts of the world. Over a thousand unarmed and innocent civilians including elderly citizens, women and children were mercilessly slain by incessant tank, artillery and aerial bombardment. The flimsy excuse put forward to justify such ferocious blood-letting reminds one of Aesop’s fable of the wolf and the lamb. And this was not the first time.
From time to time, the Israelis who are otherwise considered to be a civilized people explode into a frenzy of insane destruction and blood-thirst. Is it a genetic defect of the Zionist race as the Nazis believed, or are there external factors that bring about the hysteric, barbaric and insane behavior?
The Israelis are so overwhelmingly outnumbered by the Arabs around them that even if all the Arabs just honestly spit on them, the entire Israeli population would drown and perish. The handful of Zionists in whose hands a couple of million pious moderate Jews have become hostage in a practically resourceless piece of land snatched from the Palestinians depend heavily on assistance from the diabolical elements in the American and European ruling elite. During the confrontation with Hezbollah of Lebanon, the Israelis would have got overrun if the Americans had not airlifted munitions to them in gross violation of their own laws. Recently also the carnage was stopped only after the Americans were persuaded by saner people not to send military supplies to Israel.
The fact is that Israel can not survive for long without active American support. The Americans themselves believe (or pretend to believe) in peace and equality of man, yet they blindly support Israeli brutality. Could it be that the Israelis occasionally act in such inexplicable manner because they are ordered to do so to test new weapons, munitions and poisons developed in USA and Europe, or to refresh terror and intimidation in the minds of the Palestinian sympathizers, or last but not the least to divert the world’s attention from some other sinister deeds which go unnoticed? After all they are a universally despised three and a half million people who have nowhere else to go.
Personally, I would not care about what happens to the megalomaniac Zionists of Israel or elsewhere; but I do care about the two million or so pious moderate Jews who are trapped in a living hell. Their sweat and blood is being exploited by the Zionist elite of Israel and other western diabolical elements.
The Christian world, apart from USA, has disowned its Jewish populations and will never agree to accept them back. The only chance of their deliverance lies in Muslim compassion and magnanimity. It is about time Muslim countries realize the fact that moderate Jews are as close to Muslims as followers of any other religion can be. Whether they know it or not, the only people with whom moderate Jews can coexist with peace of mind are Muslims. It is true that those who go by the events of early Islamic era would think otherwise, but an enlightened Muslim and an enlightened moderate Jew have so much in common that they can be the best of friends.
I would strongly recommend that Muslim countries should adopt a policy of sympathy towards moderate Jews and allow them to migrate and settle and build Synagogues. The moderate Jews have produced many great minds of modern history; they are a resourceful and hard working people and will bring prosperity wherever they go.