Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Food Path

Scientists seem to divide life forms into three basic categories, microbes, plants and animals. The basic difference between plants and animals is that plants are stationary while animals are mobile. However, if we look at the basic supporting element for life it turns out to be food. All living beings need food to survive. So it seems reasonable that food or its consumption should form the basis of division of life forms. Based on the food path within their bodies, life forms can be divided into four categories – microbes, plants, animals and human beings as follows:

Microbes: No definable food path

Plants: Food path vertical upwards

Animals: Food path mostly horizontal

Human Beings: Food path vertical downwards

It is interesting that during the evolution from plant to human, the food path has taken two ninety degree turns in stages. It also shows that human beings are not a sub-species of animals but a more advanced and separate species.

What this means is that man is neither social animal as western philosophers put it, nor talking animal as arab philisophers pu it. Man is just man and under all circumstances he or she must act like man or woman and not like an animal. Ther is no room for animal instincts in human behavior.

A lot of research has been carried out on animal instincts in relation to biology, psychology and other fields and the same have been applied to human beings. Instintive actions or responses are those that can be performed without the need for a learning process.

Unique human instincts are responsibility, mercy, leadership, communication, problem solving, and hygeine not necessarily in the order of importance. The primary object of education should be to develop and groom these human instincts,

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

End of NOTWorld

The closure of the News of the World is a rare victory for decency and public opinion – an event to rejoice. The corruption that has spread in the world in the name of freedom of expression is simply appalling. The very meaning of journalism seems to have been lost. To my mind, if someone gets hurt and it is reported it is journalism; but if someone is paid to hurt someone so that it may be reported, it is not journalism: it is crime. Similarly if someone walks naked on the street and it is reported, it is journalism; but if someone is paid to walk naked so that it may be reported, it is not journalism: it is pimping. To go a bit further, if a bowler bowls badly a loses a game for his team and it is reported, it is journalism; but if a bowler is paid thru clandestine means to bowl badly to create a story it is anything but journalism. It is really disturbing that the editorial staff of NOTWorld instead of helping in the recovery of an abducted child used their skills and information to publish stories putting the innocent victim in greater danger and eventual death.

I must congratulate those entrepreneurs who had the courage and conviction to risk reduction in sales by not advertising in the bad newspaper. I believe that the civil society of the UK has found its strength and should be emulated by all everywhere. It gives me hope for the future of the worldwide human community.

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Definitions

Alcohol = Organic compound present in fermented beverages that has become a sex trigger   for people of many western nations due to prolonged usage over many centuries

Demoncracy = Corrupt democracy

Fate = Inability to explain

Intelligence = Information gained by stealth

UNO = Skyscraper in New York where diplomats of all countries assemble but those of a few authorize wars and impose sanctions to take away basic human rights from weak and helpless people

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Audit Reports

Recently I was researching the financial status of some equipment manufacturers and banks in connection with a project. Apart from their technical and operational information I also collected summaries of their annual audited accounts.

As I surfed the web, I stumbled upon the websites of two of the world’s biggest and most influential financial institutions, The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. To my utter surprise I was unable to find any annual accounts, balance sheets or auditor’s reports on these websites, although there was a wealth of other data.

I really wonder as to whether these institutions are bound by any laws at all. If not, they must be the wellsprings of worldwide financial anarchy.

There were other things too that made me wonder. The World Bank’s slogan is “Working for a World free of poverty”. Does that mean they only look after the interests of those who are free of poverty at the expense of the poor? From their performance record it seems quite likely.

The IMF proudly states “Unlike the General Assembly of the United Nations, where each country has one vote, decision making at the IMF was designed to reflect the position of each member country in the global economy. Each IMF member country is assigned a quota that determines its financial commitment to the IMF, as well as its voting power.” Same story.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


In Latin the word dexter means on the right hand and sinister means the left hand. In English dexterity is skillfulness while sinister is evil. According to the Holy Qur’an on the day of Judgment those with the record of their deeds in the right hand will go to heaven while those with the record of their deeds in the left hand will go to hell. In the British parliament the ruling party sits on the right of the speaker while the opposition has to take the left seats. In political jargon a rightist is a conservative while a leftist believes in socialism or communism which is looked down upon by the rightists.

In this world majority of people are right handed, i.e. they prefer to work with their right hand and also write with it. There seems to be no biological explanation for it. But there can be a bio-mechanical one.

In most human bodies the heart is slightly to the left of the centerline of the torso and so is the stomach. Thus there is a slightly greater weight on the left side and the left foot. If the balancing system of the human body would not take care of it, most people would tend to lean to their left. Not surprisingly we have a tendency to extend our right hands when ever action is needed as it helps to balance the weight or more accurately the moment about the centre line.

The interesting question is, “why are our hearts and stomachs slightly to the left?” If we apply Darwin’s theory of evolution it would seem that initially equal numbers of people would have had their hearts and stomachs on the right or left or in the centre. May be in those days there were equal numbers of right-handed, left-handed and ambidextrous people. But those who favored the left side had a better chance of survival and outgrew the other types in population until the others became nearly extinct. It really boggles the mind as to what advantage having the heart and stomach on the left would give to a human being as opposed to having them on the right or in the centre.

Any suggestions?

Saturday, May 21, 2011


There are people in this world who can swear that they attended the funeral of Osama bin Laden many years ago. And yet on 2nd May, 2011 US commandos raided a house in Abbottabad and shot a man they claimed to be OBL and announced that his DNA matched with some of his relatives. Next day as many as his three wives and some children were captured by the Pakistani military who verified that the man was named Osama bin Laden. How is that possible?

Simple enough! Osama might have had a namesake cousin who may have volunteered to act as his double or decoy when he was on the run. After the death of the famous OBL the innocent cousin might have decided to live out the rest of his life in anonymity in Abbottabad and although there was a multimillion dollar head money, those who knew about him decided to keep quiet until the CIA found out that someone by that name was alive and living there. The US leaders obviously thought that political mileage could be gained by having the poor man assassinated and the ugly operation was staged. It is not surprising that the face of the dead man was not shown to any outsider and the body was promptly disposed off out of anybody’s reach.

What a pity that some ten billion dollars that could have been spent on alleviating the misery of suffering humanity were wasted on hunting and killing a simple unsuspecting Beduin.

Just a guess, but it sounds plausible.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Ever since I was taught Newton’s Law of Gravitation at school, “Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle…….,” I had been wondering how the particles know of each other’s existence. The first prerequisite for attracting or being attracted is awareness of the other’s presence. So there must be something being exchanged among all particles of matter in the universe. Some scientists have suggested the existence of a force field around everything that exists; others have proposed the existence of gravitons. But as usual, they all missed the obvious.

Way back in the early 1960s I learnt about thermal radiation and heat transfer and came across the Stefan-Boltzmann Law of Blackbody radiation discovered in late nineteenth century. A black body is a hypothetic body that completely absorbs all wavelengths of thermal radiation incident on it. Such bodies do not reflect light, and therefore appear black if their temperatures are low enough so as not to be self-luminous. All blackbodies heated to a given temperature emit thermal radiation given by:

q = σ T4 A (1)


q = heat transfer per unit time (W)

σ = 5.6703 10-8 (W/m2K4) - The Stefan-Boltzmann Constant

T = absolute temperature Kelvin (K)

A = surface area of the emitting body (m2)

It was later modified for grey and colored bodies that were not black and for temperature of the environment or other bodies interacting with it. The final simplified equation of net heat transferred from one body to another is of the form:

q = ε σ Fh,c (Th4 - Tc4) Ac

where ε is the emissivity, F the form factor and h and c denote the hotter and colder temperatures.

I had found the answer to my long unresolved conundrum. Every object in the universe makes its presence felt by emitting thermal radiation, the intensity of which is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature, and every object reacts to change in temperature of every other object in its sight.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Obama Gets Osama

Finally we have a story of how the purpose of the existence of US administration and military was fulfilled when in the darkness of night a squadron of US marines in 3 helicopters (symbolizing trinity?) raided an awkward looking building in Abbottabad (named after a British colonialist), shed a lot of blood and captured and shot dead an unarmed man named Osama Bin Laden and dumped his body in the sea a thousand miles away. There is no way of knowing the truth. It might even be a hoax to glorify or discredit someone in the context of USA’s internal politics

Irrespective of the noble purpose of its formation as claimed by its sympathizers, Al-Qaida, the international revolutionary brotherhood headed by OBL had in recent years turned into a demented cult that relished the sight of bloodshed, destruction and misery as much as a super power military organization. It claimed affiliation with Islam but trampled every Islamic virtue. If the assassination of OBL helps to disintegrate that cult, then it certainly is good riddance.

Yesterday a CNN reporter was able to find a lady who had lost her husband in the 9/11 tragedy and tried his best to coax her into making an anti-Islamic or anti-Pakistan statement, but the decent lady stuck to her observation that all this had not brought her husband back. Interestingly enough, on the day when Khalid Sheikh also an Al-Qaida stalwart was put to death by court order, a gentleman who had probably lost his father in that act of violence commented before CNN that it was as sad a day as when his father was killed. That shows the moral and spiritual gap between the American people and the ruling establishment in which the CIA has a lion’s share. Anyone who has lost a loved one in a violent incident shares the grief of the loved ones of another no matter how evil that individual might be.

Justice would have been done if Osama bin Laden had been kept alive and tried in a court of law and the allegations of his involvement in various terrorist acts proven in a fair manner. Assassination by presidential order is by no mean justice.

As far as I am concerned, my private war on terror is going to continue with efforts to make terrorist leaders, generals and presidents renounce their lust for death and destruction.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Some More Definitions

Address = Location in space

Point = Address without content

Line = String of addresses without content

Motion = Change in address

Absolute motion = Change in address relative to a fixed address

Relative motion = Difference of absolute motions of two bodies

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Straightening the Space

The algebraic function y = 1/x is unique and had fascinated scientists and mathematician of the 19th century. The graph of the function is called a hyperbola which is a perfect example of an asymptote. It is shown below:

For those who are not familiar with mathematical jargon it can be explained in terms of numbers. The values of y for various values of x are as in the table below:

It is clear that as the value of x decreases the value of y increases, so much so that when the value of x becomes zero, the value of y becomes infinity. However it is interesting that if you proceed from x=1 toward x=0 the value of y increases to plus infinity, while if you approach from x=-1 towards x=0, the value of y decreases (or increases in the negative direction) until it becomes minus infinity. Thus at x=0, y exists simultaneously at plus and minus infinity. From the common concept of infinity it is mind boggling. How can something exist at both extremes of the universe at the same time? Such a thing could only happen if the space was a curved continuum. To put it simply, if two persons started walking in opposite directions an d continued to do so without deviating one day they would meet face to face on the other side of the earth. Hence came the idea of the curved space and the donut shaped universe.

But the scientists who must have been euphoric at the brilliant idea which must have been dubbed a great discovery seem to have missed out on the relationship between algebra and geometry. y=1/x can be written as x*y=1 which is the equation of a rectangle of unit area. As x decreases, y increases and the shape changes from square to oblong and gradually a thinner and longer rectangle until x approaches zero and y approaches infinity. But when x becomes equal to zero, the rectangle ceases to exist. It becomes a straight line. There is what one might call a geometrical phase change. Just like gas laws can not be applied after the gas has condensed into a liquid, the equation of a rectangle can not be applied to a straight line. X=0 is a straight line which extends from minus to plus infinity along the y axis. Is anything wrong with that?

So it seems that the notions of space being a curved continuum and the universe being donut shaped are mere illusions and any mathematical deductions based on these notions would produce more profound illusions.

If I live long enough or get an opportunity to devote full time to the subject, I would certainly like to remove as many illusions as possible.