Millions of people bathe, fish, and sail in seawater every day. The vastness and majesty of the oceans is awesome. Whereas the gentle waves at the shore are so pleasant, the stormy seas are nerve-wracking.
But do we realise the biological significance of the vast and deep expance of saline water that covers three quarters of the earth's surface? Yes, it is a sanctuary for life. No bacteria or viruses can survive in the saline water of the oceans and seas. There are no epidemics in the seas and the wounds of the underwater dwellers remain aseptic and heal as soon as bleeding stops.
Even more interesting is the process by which oxygen is provided to the inhabitants of the oceans. The constant turbulence in the seawater not only causes mixing of air at the surface, but also helps to carry it to depths. And the waves are said to be generated by the motion of the moon around the earth. Remarkable engineering!