Monday, February 04, 2019

The Best

Try answering the following questions and life may take a new meaning for you.

1. What is the best thing that ever happened to you?
2. What is the best thing you ever did?
3. What is the best thing you ever heard?
4. What is the best thing you ever said?
5. What is the best thought that ever came to your mind?
6. Who is your best friend?
7. What part of the day you spend best?
8. What is the best food for you?  

Recent Tweets

When in US support POTUS. Donald Trump should be allowed to build the wall if he can explain how Humpty Dumpty will be prevented from climbing up, sitting on and falling down from it. Also this wall should be greater than the wall of China and should not become a wailing wall. Donalld Trump boldly accepted the bitter truth that America has lost its greatness. He got elected predident of USA. Imran Khan bravely accepted the painful fact that Pakistani elite have lost their honesty. He became prime minister of Pakistan. Courageous realism works wonders A tweet by POTUS on whether or not US soldiers in Afghanistan or CIA or SEALS were involved in kidnapping and murder in Afghnistan of Pakistani police official might be interesting. The basic safeguarding principle of capitalist democracy is that the money used to acquire private property is not part of personal privacy and public office holders must demonstrate cleanness of all their money. Raucous on Aasia acquittal on blasphemi is throw back of Afia Siddiqui's persecution in USA and European impunity on derogation of the Prophet. Since there were technical flaws in trial process leading to conviction, a retrial was the logical remedy.